grin different genres and literary Classement 2024

grin different genres and literary

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Seminar paper from the year 2009 in the subject Didactics - English - Literature, Works, grade: 1,7, University of Bayreuth, course: Female Identities in the History of British Fiction, language: English, abstract: Jeanette Winterson¿s novels are a combination of history, fictional stories, fairy-tales and female romance. She has an experimental style which approaches many readers in particular women. The genre could be called post-modern fiction as it shows a lot of post-modern writing techniques such as intertextuality, parody, self-reflectivity and the rewriting of history. In this paper the different literary genres which Jeanette Winterson knows to combine should be presented by the example of the novel The Passion, written in 1987. Using literary devices, generic details should be analysed which make it possible to categorize The Passion according to the different genres.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
frais de port: 3.5
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783640369843

grin spiritualit t im fantasy

Trouver informations, conseils et prix pour grin spiritualit t im fantasy il est vendu 28.4 € , présent dans la catégorie Bücher & Zeitschriften, ce produit est fabriqué par Grin et est vendu par

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2006 im Fachbereich Theologie - Systematische Theologie, einseitig bedruckt, Note: 1,8, Universität Regensburg, 11 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: 1. Einführung: Das Genre der fantasy Die Kinoerfolge der letzten Jahre sprechen eine deutliche Sprache. Die wirklich grossen Erfolge lagen im Bereich der Fantasy. Dazu gehörten unter anderem: Der Herr der Ringe nach der Vorlage von J.R.R Tolkien, die Harry- Potter Verfilmungen nach J.K.Rowling, Die Chroniken von Narnia von C.S. Lewis und andere. Sie übertrafen dabei nicht nur die kommerziellen Erwartungen; ebenso überraschte die ungewöhnliche Resonanz auf das Fantasy- Genre. Scheinbar gibt es etwas, das die Menschen wieder mehr dazu bewegt phantastische Stoffe zu rezipieren. J.R.R Tolkien, der Autor von Der Herr der Ringe, sprach bei dieser Art von Faszination von applicability. Gemeint ist dabei nicht die zweckorientierte Anwendbarkeit, sondern das, "was den Leser an die Geschichte bindet, in der sich sein persönliches Erleben mit der Erzählung verknüpfen lässt."1 Fantasy- Autoren lassen in ihren Texten eine völlig neue und eigenständige Umgebung entstehen. Sie tun dies auf unterschiedlichste Weise. Entwirft Tolkien eine ganz neue Welt (Mittelerde), neue Lebewesen und Sprachen, spielt Narnia vor dem Hintergrund des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Die Welt der Erwachsenen spielt in Narnia eine wichtige Rolle, wobei die Instanz der Autoritäten bei Tolkien gänzlich fehlt. Folglich spricht Lewis¿ Werk Kinder, das Mittelerde- Epos eher Jugendliche und Erwachsene an. Thomas Binotto macht den Unterschied zwischen fantastischer Literatur für Kinder und Jugendlichen in seinem Artikel in der Neuen Züricher Zeitung folgendermassen deutlich: "Dass hier [im Herr der Ringe] Gut und Böse aufeinander prallen und dass Entscheidungen gefordert sind, die kein Zurück mehr lassen- auch dieser unbedingte Idealismus macht das Epos für Jugendliche anwendbar."2 Der Herr der Ringe sei eine Phantasie der Welteroberung und -gestaltung, die gleichzeitig den Abschied von der Elternwelt bedeute. Lewis erklärte das Bedürfnis nach fantastischer Literatur und deren Erfolg anders: "Welcher vernünftige Mensch möchte nicht, wenn er könnte, jene unermüdliche Wissbegier, jene Intensität der Vorstellungskraft, jene Leichtigkeit, Unglauben zu überwinden, jenen unverdorbenen Appetit, jene Bereitschaft zum Staunen, zum Mitleid, zum Bewundern bewahren?"3 [...]

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frais de port: 3.5
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783638938464

grin vergleich differenter ans tze

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Examensarbeit aus dem Jahr 2005 im Fachbereich Pädagogik - Allgemein, Note: 1,0, Universität Koblenz-Landau (Institut für Grundschulpädagogik Uni Koblenz), 57 Quellen im Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Zu Beginn meiner Arbeit befasse ich mich mit der Klärung theoretischer Grundlagen. Im weiteren Verlauf wird die geschichtliche Entwicklung, im Hinblick auf die Begrifflichkeiten von AD(H)S dargestellt. Anschliessend folgen eine ausführliche Beschreibung der typischen Eigenschaften von AD(H)S Kindern sowie ein Kapitel über die neusten Erkenntnisse zur Aufmerksamkeitsstörung. Danach erläutere ich die historisch veränderte Wahrnehmung des Phänomens AD(H)S in der Gesellschaft. Im Hauptteil werde ich die Schwierigkeiten der Orientierung der unterschiedlichen ätiologischen Sicht-weisen und die konkurrierenden multifaktoriellen Ursachen der Entstehung von AD(H)S ausführen. Danach folgen die aktuellen Möglichkeiten der Diagnostik. Im weiteren Verlauf der Arbeit werde ich ausgewählte Interventionsmassnahmen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des pädagogischen Blickwinkels vorstellen.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783638920612

grin wild or possible how

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Seminar paper from the year 2006 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Linguistics, grade: 1,3, University of Cologne (Englisches Seminar), course: Second Language Acquisition and Universal Grammar, language: English, abstract: Within the discourse of generative grammar it has been proposed that Universal Grammar (UG) can be seen as an innate structure that governs the course of learning a language. The domain of UG is often also referred to as the ¿principles and parameters framework¿. While principles can be seen as a set of rules (e.g. the linearity of language) that are applicable for all natural languages, certain parameters make up and have to be set according to different languages. As there is not much disagreement on the role of UG for the acquisition of a first language (L1), many researchers have discussed the question if and how UG constrains second language acquisition (L2A). A large amount of research has been conducted within the field of the acquisition of reflexives in L2. Earlier approaches explained the acquisition of reflexives in L2A as a resetting of the Governing Category Parameter (GCP). Other approaches accounted the cross-linguistic variation in interpreting domain and orientation of anaphors to different categories of anaphors, namely X0 or head reflexives and XP or phrasal reflexives. It was then hypothesized that interpretation of these reflexives in L2A can either be the consequence of movement in Logical Form or a result of parameter settings regarding the agreement (AGR) parameter resulting in a relativized SUBJECT. The aim of this paper is to give a short overview of the above mentioned approaches on the domain of reflexivity acquisition by presenting one study for each approach. The results of the different studies will be discussed with emphasis to the question to what extent they show evidence for the non-/availability of UG in L2A. Based on this, a suggestion is stated, that the relativized SUBJECT approach is most sufficient to explain UG-availability in terms of the Full Transfer/Full Access Hypothesis.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
frais de port: 3.5
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783638769990

ibidem the formation of an

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This scholarly study of the formation of the Irish literary canon in the first half of the twentieth century provides fascinating and often surprising insights into the ways in which different educational institutions responded to the political and historical changes taking place as Ireland moved from colonial to postcolonial status. Dr Wei H. Kao discusses not only what was included on school and university curriculum but also writers who were excluded, in particular women writers who appeared to interrogate a male nationalist agenda for the representation of Ireland.- Emeritus Professor C.L. Innes The writers discussed include Daniel Corkery, J.G. Farrell, Denis Johnston, Mary Lavin, Iris Murdoch, Kate O'Brien, Frank O'Connor, Liam O'Flaherty, and James Plunkett.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783898215459

lukeman literary management nichts als

Trouver conseils, opinions et fonctionnalités sur lukeman literary management nichts als il est vendu 10.9 € , présent dans la catégorie Bücher & Zeitschriften; ce produit appartient à Lukeman Literary Management et est vendu par

"EIN MEISTERWERK DES THRILLER UND KRIMI-GENRES. Blake Pierce gelingt es hervorragend, Charaktere mit so gut beschriebenen psychologischen Facetten zu entwickeln, dass wir das Gefühl haben, in ihren Gedanken zu sein, ihre Ängste zu spüren und ihre Erfolge zu bejubeln. Dieses Buch voller Wendungen wird Sie bis zur letzten Seite wachhalten." --Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (über So Gut Wie Vorüber) NICHTS ALS NEID ist das sechste Buch einer neuen FBI Thrillerserie des USA Today Bestsellerautors Blake Price, dessen Nummer 1 Bestseller Verschwunden (Buch 1) (kostenloser Download) über 1.000 Fünfsternebewertungen erhalten hat. In der Sixtinischen Kapelle schauen die ersten Touristen des Tages nach oben - und finden mit Entsetzen eine Leiche vor, die mit Seilen an der Decke befestigt ist. Bald tauchen weitere Opfer auf, die in ähnlich dramatischer Weise an anderen grossen Sehenswürdigkeiten in ganz Europa aufgehängt sind. Wer tötet sie? Warum? Wer wird der Nächste sein? Und ist FBI-Spezialagentin Adele Sharp - dreifache Agentin der USA, Frankreichs und Deutschlands - brillant genug, um in den Verstand des Serienmörders einzudringen und ihn aufzuhalten, bevor es zu spät ist? NICHTS ALS NEID ist eine actiongeladene Krimiserie voller internationaler Intrigen und fesselnder Spannung, die Sie bis spät in die Nacht blättern lässt. Buch 7 der Serie – NICHTS ALS FEHLER – ist jetzt ebenfalls erhältlich.

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le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9781094339832

grin the unity effect in

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Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject American Studies - Literature, grade: 1,7, University of Kassel, course: Hauptseminar "Antebellum in American Short Fiction", language: English, abstract: "A skillful literary artist has constructed a tale, ¿ there should be no word written, of which the tendency, direct or indirect, is not to the one pre-established design¿" Edgar Allan Poe, who was praised as given the title of "one of the greatest journalistic critic of his time" by literary critics, stressed unity, totality, and prescribed design. And "The Fall of the House of Usher", is proved to be a very successful story to demonstrate Poe¿s adherence of his own principle of constructiveness and his structural art. The intention of this research paper is, therefore, to examine how Poe emphasized unity of effect in theory and how it is fulfilled in practice especially in one of his best-known stories. In a close reading of "Usher", the author is above all impressed by the melancholic tone that Poe obviously intends to raise at the very beginning of this story. For this reason, how Poe implements his technique by making tone obedient to the unity of effect will be first of all examined in this paper. Obviously, tone should be identified with atmosphere. According to Poe, unity of setting is another important requirement for achieving the unity of effect in prose writing, which will be studied in the second section. If, as critics maintain, characters are skilfully adapted to the circumstances which surround them are a general device in Poe¿s tales, it is in "Usher" in particular. The third section intends to show how characters are made to fit into the desolate house and dreary environment to achieve the desired effect in this tale. Finally, with the ideal arrangement of effective tone, setting, characters, Poe gains his battlefield to carry out unity of effect in plot in "Usher". In order to attain the unity of plot in literary writing, Poe stressed both "unity of time" and "unity of action", as essential parts in his theory on unity of effect. In "Usher", both of these aspects are completely fulfilled through the brief time span in which the story happens, a coherent plot line and a "mutual relationship" between incidents. Hence, Poe¿s emphasis on unity of plot in theory, and how it is accomplished in "Usher" in the last section will be explored in the last section of this paper. Consistent with Poe¿s theory of "unity", "totality" and "full design", four aspects, namely tone, setting, characters and plot through which Poe attempts to create a vision of "unity of effect" in this tale are examined in this paper.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
frais de port: 3.5
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783638803281

grin the picture of dorian

Trouver conseils, opinions et fonctionnalités sur grin the picture of dorian il est vendu 28.4 € , présent dans la catégorie Bücher & Zeitschriften; ce produit appartient à Grin et est vendu par

Seminar paper from the year 2007 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, grade: 2, University of Cologne (Englisches Seminar), course: Proseminar B: London Past and Present: Literary and Cultural Heritage of a Metropolis, language: English, abstract: There are some famous writers at the end of the 19th century who are often mentioned as ¿decadent¿. They have asserted the superiority of beauty and pleasure over all other considerations. Oscar Wilde¿s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray presents the aestheticism and the hedonist way of living. The novel anticipates developments and structures of society of that time. The importance of Dorian¿s experiences refutes the decadent theories which are described in the Yellow Book that enthralls the protagonist. The novel as a whole can be seen as a psychological study which analyzes the gradual debasement of Dorian¿s nature. At the end of the story he is responsible for every vice and crime including murder. The author shows that on the one hand pleasure and beauty are the highest goods, on the other hand he argues that they also bring death and crime. The task of this research paper is to analyze the mentioned contradiction and the influence of the Aesthetic movement on the novel as well as Oscar Wilde¿s view of art. I would like to begin with a brief survey of the social and intellectual background at the end of the 19th century, exploring the major art movements of that time and how far they affect Wilde¿s work. Afterwards his main principles of Aestheticism and their reflection in the novel are analyzed as well as Dorian¿s life under the influence of the hedonist model. Oscar Wilde¿s novel The Picture of Dorian Gray reveals the contradictions of Wilde¿s relationship with the decadent trends of that time. He adopts and proclaims their esthetical and literary views, but the flippant amoralism that he sometimes parades so defiantly is belied by the final catastrophe descending upon his hero as a result of his obvious moral degradation. The novel shows that man¿s chief purpose in life can not be seeking pleasure. To be good is more important than to be beautiful. Though in the preface to his novel Oscar Wilde declares that all art is quite useless, the novel itself proves the opposite. The tension between the aesthetic (Art) and the moral (Life) is the focus of the novel. In setting a portrait, a work of art, at the center of the action, Wilde affects the interplay of natural perception and moral judgment in the novel. The ideal of art for art¿s sake was proclaimed by Wilde but hardly ever consistently put into practice.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
frais de port: 3.5
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783640319565

grin urbanism typifying the

Trouver informations, conseils et prix pour grin urbanism typifying the il est vendu 28.4 € , présent dans la catégorie Bücher & Zeitschriften, ce produit est fabriqué par Grin et est vendu par

Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject American Studies - Literature, grade: 1,7, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (FTSK, Abteilung Anglistik, Amerikanistik und Anglophonie ), course: Graduate Seminar American Cities: The Urban Experience in Literary Texts and Translations, language: English, abstract: The present work is about urbanism and about how it is typifying the turn-of-the-century American way of life. The first chapter of this term paper contains a plot synopsis on the novel Strong Motion by Jonathan Franzen depicting the main characters. The second chapter is about Post-modernism. It describes what the term means in fact. A main feature of our post-modern times are cities or urban regions. In the second chapter you will find an interpretation of their meaning and importance in relation to Post-modernism. After this rather general insight in the present urban spirit of the age I will proceed by pointing out passages from the novel Strong Motion that document facts about urbanism and Post-modernism, about certain features of Boston, the Boston area and about the way people live in these places. The topics are going to be gentrification, the quaternary sector, the widening gap between rich and poor, fast occurring changes, heterogeneity and cars. The conclusion will give an outlook on what we may have to expect in the future from urban regions in a globalized world.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
frais de port: 3.5
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783640559961

grin gothic fiction and the

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Seminar paper from the year 2008 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, grade: 1,3, University of Leipzig (Institut für Anglistik), course: Literary Theory in Practice: Henry James' The Turn of the Screw, language: English, abstract: Die Arbeit beleuchtet zunächst den ethymologischen und historischen Hintergrund des Terminus Gothic, um anschliessend auf drei mögliche Ursachen der Entstehung von Gothic Fiction im 18 Jahrhundert einzugehen. Anschliessend werden drei wichtige Merkmale der Gothic Fiction in Henry James' The Turn of The Screw aufgezeigt und knapp diskutiert.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
frais de port: 3.5
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783640238408

grin the concepts of love

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Seminar paper from the year 2007 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Literature, grade: 1, University of Innsbruck (Department of English), course: The Irish Literary Revival, language: English, abstract: Love was one of William Butler Yeats¿s great inspirations. It was love that kept him moving and developing. It was love that confused him and made him reflect. It was love that shattered him and made him mourn. Yeats¿s experience with love was rich and fulfilling as well as frustrating and devastating. In order to come to a better understanding of Yeats¿s love poetry, we need to take a look into his private life: ¿Yeats met the fiery revolutionary [Maud Gonne] in 1889. He fell deeply in love with her and would propose to her in 1891, 1899, 1900, 1901, and 1916. Gonne had no use for Yeats's proposals. However, she did have a use for his talents. Gonne would use Yeats for his ability as an orator. Maud Gonne, dragging him at her heels on nationalist agitations, soon found that he was a natural orator and could easily dominate committees. Maud Gonne would continue to turn Yeats proposals down, yet she continued to be the catalyst for the finest love poetry Yeats would ever create. Gonne would once ask for Yeats's help in London, ending a brief but happy love affair with Olivia Shakespear. Sensing divided loyalty, Shakespear would end the affair and it was shortly thereafter that Lady Gregory would save Yeats from a potentially more tragic end, like the poets of the tragic generation¿ (cf. Yeats really loved Maud Gonne. She was the love of his life, and still, she would never really react to, let alone return his love. Yeats has experienced the many different facets of love through this continuous interaction between his everlasting true and sincere affection and dedication and her cold and calculating rejection. But although this may be a personal tragedy it also resulted in something positive and beautiful, namely Yeats¿s love poetry Maud Gonne inspired him to. Yeats managed to deal with all his positive and negative experiences in a productive way and included them into his poetry. Maud Gonne once even said to him that she could not stop rejecting him as he would not write such beautiful poetry about her anymore then. As said, Yeats¿s perception and concepts of love can be identified in his poetry. Furthermore, we can identify a development of Yeats¿s depiction of love in his poetry. We can find many different sides of love in Yeats¿s poems. In some poems, Yeats describes it as an almost divine power. In other poems, he starts doubting whether love is really that fulfilling or not. And in further poems, he even focuses on the dark and destructive sides of love. These different concepts of love will be described in this paper through the analysis of selected poems.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
frais de port: 3.5
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783638803397

grin differences in the tax

Trouver conseils, opinions et fonctionnalités sur grin differences in the tax il est vendu 32.4 € , présent dans la catégorie Bücher & Zeitschriften; ce produit appartient à Grin et est vendu par

Essay from the year 2006 in the subject Business economics - Accounting and Taxes, grade: 80 %, University of Glamorgan, 12 entries in the bibliography, language: English, abstract: This essay provides a short survey of the different tax structures prevailing in the UK, Germany and Switzerland. By doing so, the basic differences and the substantial similarities within and between these three covered countries are presented. This essay commences by outlining the tax history of Germany and Switzerland. Following, the third section is concerned with the different sources of tax revenue within each above-mentioned country. In the fourth section the focus is channelled to the trends within and between Germany and Switzerland. In this regard, the trends are identified, analysed and finally compared. After outlining the different trends the concentration shifts onto any similarities and differences between and within each country. This essay concludes by summing up the main findings of the different tax structures in the UK, Germany and Switzerland.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
frais de port: 3.5
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783638903240

grin racial attitudes in melville

Découvrir conseils, opinions et fonctionnalités sur grin racial attitudes in melville vendu 41.9 € , ce produit est placé dans la catégorie Bücher & Zeitschriften, fabriqué par Grin et est vendu par

Examination Thesis from the year 2008 in the subject Didactics for the subject English - Literature, Works, grade: 1,0, University of Heidelberg (Anglistisches Seminar), language: English, abstract: The American literature is a reflection of the socio-political developments in the different stages of the history of the country, and especially slavery is a crucial topic in it. Many works dealing with slavery have been published in the 19th, 20th and 21st century, and some of them have sparked debates that are not only on literary issues. Two of these are Herman Melville¿s (1819-1891) Benito Cereno (1855) and Mark Twain¿s (1835-1910, born Samuel Langhorne Clemens) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884). These two novels are often seen as major works in American literary history, and their authors are among the country¿s most celebrated. Both books have in common that their stories play in the time before the abolition of slavery. Benito Cereno deals with a slave revolt on a ship, while Huckleberry Finn depicts the adventures of its eponymous hero and a runaway slave, Jim. Another feature the novels share is the fact that both have been charged to contain racist and pro-slavery attitudes. This paper will evaluate and analyze these assertions in order to show that they are false because they are based on misunderstandings. It aims to provide a profound delineation of the racial attitudes in the two novels. The assumption here is that neither Melville nor Twain wrote racist novels. This shall be proven with the help of a close analysis of the narrative perspectives and literary devices used in the books. Both of the stories, as will be shown later, are told by narrators that are far from being easy to grasp without a deeper examination of their character and function. A comprehensive insight into these appears to be beneficial for a better understanding of both of the novels. The present paper will begin with an exploration of the individual attitudes of the two authors. Although the knowledge of writers¿ opinions can never be used as the sole key to a literary work¿s interpretation, it can still be helpful to gain an insight into his ideas about the world he or she depicts in his or her fiction. After this, the two novels will be dealt with separately. In a first step, the assertions about each one¿s racism will be delineated. Then, the narrative perspectives and other literary techniques will be thoroughly analyzed. In a last step, the novels¿ racism will be evaluated with the help of the insights gained about the techniques used. It shall be shown that in the light of this, neither Benito Cereno nor Huckleberry Finn are racist books.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783640363322

grin the turk on opera

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Thesis (M.A.) from the year 2009 in the subject Musicology - Miscellaneous, grade: 2.0, University of Osnabrück (Musikwissenschaft), language: English, abstract: This thesis is about the presentation of the Turks in operas of the West-ern European nations. I will have a look at which different roles where used to describe the Turks. In the sense of this paper the term ¿Turk¿ does not restrict its perspective to the area of the modern Republic of Turkey. As, for example, Preibisch (1908, p13) notes: during the 18th century composers did not distinguish between, for example, Persia and Turkey. Pahlen (1980, p12) even suggests that the whole Arabian community was regarded as Turkish. Moreover, except other Arabian countries sometimes even China and India were regarded as ¿Turkey¿ (Whaples 1998, p4). To be precise, this inaccuracy can be applied to a lot of other countries that were part of the Ottoman Empire like Egypt, Algeria, and so on. However, although some of the operas that will be discussed in this paper do not play in Turkey or contain Turkish charac-ters but are placed in neighboring countries of the Ottoman Empire or contain characters from these countries, these works will also be dis-cussed because from the perspective of our ancestors, they all display Turkish elements. The definition of Turkish that will be used in this pa-per is therefore similar to that used by Griffel (1975, p85ff) and is based on a rather dynamic concept. This means, when analyzing an opera concerning its ¿Turkishness¿, the common perspective of the time has to be kept in mind. Apart from that, I will analyze how the typical characters changed over the course of time keeping in mind the historical background. This is achieved by comparing similar characters from different operas with each other. As we will see, basically the timeline can be separated in three different parts. In the baroque-period the Turks were generally viewable in heroic roles which fitted to the concept of the opera seria. Then, the upcoming of the opera buffa made it possible to exaggerate elements of Turkish culture and characters in order ridicule them. On the other side, due to the beliefs of the Era of Enlightenment, Turkish characters were used as a mean to show the deficiencies of European culture.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783640509546

grin poverty in africa cultural

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Essay from the year 2005 in the subject Cultural Studies - North African Studies, grade: 1.0, Institute of Technology, course: Cultural Studies, language: English, abstract: Africa, the third biggest continent consisting of 53 different countries, is the poorest in the world, with approximately 42 percent of all Africans living under the poverty line. Disastrous effects of this state for the population - including illnesses and a high mortality rate - are various and so are the reasons for this continent, which is so rich in beauty and natural resources, being that poor. This essay deals with the current situation on the African continent and the roles that politics and the influence of the rest of the world are playing in the process. Furthermore the results of development aid and strategies for effective support for lesser developed countries as well as ¿The Enlightenment¿ will be discussed. The facts are based on different articles published in German ¿Spiegel¿ magazine supported by opinions and statements by European author and director Henning Mankell.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
frais de port: 3.5
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783640226863

grin academic writing in esl

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Seminar paper from the year 2005 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Other, grade: 1, West Virginia University, language: English, abstract: This paper discusses the concept of Academic Writing and the role of the importance in the ESL classroom. The different perspectives that have to be considered while teaching writing for an Academic purpose and some teaching approaches will be mentioned and evaluated. Thereby the focus will be on the different opinions and methods, as well as constraints and problems that scholars investigated about the notion of Academic Writing. There are a lot of discussions and some research has recently tried to define how the particluar and varied academic discourse communities have to be considered in the curriculum of ESL learners, but still there is a lot of uncertainty of how effective classroom teaching in composition or content classes lead to a the demanded knowledge transformation that the ESL students need in order to fit successfully into a special academic field and write with respect to the expectations of that special audience. This paper tries to mention the most important articles and findings in order to understand the notion of Academic writing and examines some of the constraints students as well as teachers have to deal with and summarizes also some opportunities of making students aware of specific styles, formats, and conventions that are needed in their particular discourse communities and that can and should be involved in ESL composition and content classes with English for an academic purpose to achieve a desired participation in the higher-educational level through fullfilment of the writing standards of educational and academical conventions and values of a particular discourse community. A working definition of Godev explains the notion of Academic writing: ¿The term ¿academic writing¿ seems to escape any definition that may try to encompass every writing task likely to be encountered in any of the academic disciplines.¿ (Godev 2000, 636). The reason for this is that the style of a given academic product is defined by conventions that are ultimately dicipline specific as Spack pointed out. (Spack 1988, 32). Nevertheless there are four different perspectives that have to be considered to get a wider understanding of the term academic writing. The notions of a) audience, b) task, c) communicative functions, and d) style are very crucial in order to conceive a working definition of academic writing. The four different perspectives have different views of and about academic writing. Gajdusek & van Dommelen 1993, 202) as well as Silva (1991) stated that from the perspective of the audience, academic writing is a kind of writing accepted by the faculty of a particular discourse community when discussing a topic in a published material or when the members of the special discourse community adress themselves to others of the same one orally. Silva explained the notion of...

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
frais de port: 3.5
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783640289349

grin civic and ethnic nationalism

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Essay from the year 2002 in the subject Politics - International Politics - Region: Russia, grade: 1 (A), University of Birmingham (Centre for Russian and East European Studies), course: Graduate Russian and East European Studies, language: English, abstract: This essay compares the development of different understandings of nationalism in Western and Eastern Europe comparing the concepts of civic and ethnic nationalism.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
frais de port: 3.5
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783638757966

grin metaphor the structure of

Trouver conseils, opinions et fonctionnalités sur grin metaphor the structure of il est vendu 30.4 € , présent dans la catégorie Bücher & Zeitschriften; ce produit appartient à Grin et est vendu par

Seminar paper from the year 2003 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Linguistics, grade: 1 (A), Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg (Anglistics), course: Metaphor and Metonymy, language: English, abstract: The general idea of this paper is to compare different approaches to metaphor, viz. lexicographical definitions by means of dictionaries, specialists¿ definitions by means of Lakoff and Johnson¿s definition, theoretical background (Turner, Langacker and Sweetser) and lexical definitions by Kövecses. These approaches seem to be quite contradictory at first glance and the question whether it is a contradiction or not will be addressed in the fourth chapter. The definitions will be discussed in the first chapter, together with a short definition of the crucial terminology. An important aspect of metaphors according to Lakoff and Johnson is the transfer of meaning form a target domain to a source domain. The second chapter is about the internal structure of domains, based on Langacker¿s approach, and about the process of the transfer of meaning used in metaphors. This transfer is called mapping and the description rather than definition is based mainly on Turner and Sweetser. Another important aspect of metaphor according to Lakoff and Johnson is the experiential basis used in the meanings expressed, which will be based mainly on Sweetser. The case study is about Kövecses¿ concept of the conceptual metaphor ANGER, a sub-category of the higher-up domain EMOTION, is based upon what Kövecses calls the "prototype scenario" - i.e. the probable way anger builds up, is conceived of and expressed in language and bodily experience.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
frais de port: 3.5
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783638646987

grin an overview and analysis

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Seminar paper from the year 2007 in the subject Business economics - Offline Marketing and Online Marketing, grade: 58%, University of Lincoln (Faculty of Business & Law), course: International Marketing Strategy, language: English, abstract: [...] There are many different types of partnerships like joint ventures, consortia, licensing, networks and strategic alliances. For a detailed analysis this work concentrates on strategic alliances. To give an insight on the topic this work analyses the alliences between the car manufacturers Nissan and Renault and Renault and Volvo. These partnerships are examples of alliance¿s success and failure. On the basis of these examples this work illustrates the sources of alliance formation and how alliances are able to create competive advantage but also the reasons why so many alliances fail. Before the case studies of the above mentioned companies will be discussed this work explains the sources of alliance formation on a theoretical basis.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
frais de port: 3.5
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783640407644

grin article reviews and responses

Découvrir informations, conseils et prix pour grin article reviews and responses vendu 27.4 € , est placé dans la catégorie Bücher & Zeitschriften; ce produit est fabriqué par Grin et est vendu par

Literature Review from the year 2003 in the subject Psychology - Learning Psychology, Intelligence Research, University of Phoenix, language: English, abstract: This paper shall be a review and response to each of four articles discussing different issues concerning literacy. A quotation from each article shall be highlighted and discussed. An article summary, for each, will be presented. A critique will then be given. And, finally, ideas for implementing the author¿s ideas into a kindergarten classroom will be described.

état: new
disponibilité: in_stock
frais de port: 3.5
le temps de livrer: in stock
EAN: 9783640338122

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